The End Where I Begin

Friday, July 08, 2011

Hai hai hai. Wondering what the tittle is about?

This is the end of holidayy, (wuaa masuk masuk udah kelas 9) where I begin my new school year (yeah!). Disinilah waktu yang tepat untuk menggigit jari dan mengikat jari, hmmm. Nervous? yes I am. Kelas 9 sama siapa yaa, nanti UN gimana ya, masuk SMA mana yaaaa. Huahaha stop it, I dont need more butterflies in my stomach >.~

What I learned this half-July:
- Distance doesnt ruin relationships, doubts do:)

- Hating is lame. Hahaha, really, if you dont like something, change it. If you cant change it, change your attitude to it. There's no need to tell the whole world about it. Its so not cool to brag about something or someone on twitter or tumblr or on your blog. And, it spreads negativity, so some people may not like it, and bum, they unfollowed you.

- Sometimes you mean nothing to someone who means everything to you. But that's life. That someone is clearly not the right one for you, and by letting them go, it will lead you to the perfect road.

- Harry Potter is clearly the best story that has ever written! And it's going to end this July! Ohmygoodd, my childhood is about to end... does it mean that I'm... old now? noooo. I love Harry Potter so much. Thank you J.K Rowling <3

The End Where I begin is also my new favorite song. You can google it if you want to :3

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